Home / News / CCTT News / On October 20, 2021, Gennady Bessonov, Secretary General of CCTT took part in the meeting of the Steering Committee of the Northern Dimension Partnership on Transport and Logistics (NDTPL)

On October 20, 2021, Gennady Bessonov, Secretary General of CCTT took part in the meeting of the Steering Committee of the Northern Dimension Partnership on Transport and Logistics (NDTPL)

On October 20, 2021, Gennady Bessonov, Secretary General of CCTT took part in the meeting of the Steering Committee of the Northern Dimension Partnership on Transport and Logistics (NDTPL)

Following the invitation of the Secretariat of the Northern Dimension Partnership in Transport and Logistics, Gennady Bessonov, CCTT Secretary General, took part in the meeting of the Northern Dimension Partnership Steering Committee, which was held on 20 October 2021 in Vilnius in a hybrid format.

In his presentation Gennady Bessonov noted the importance of the development of Euro-Asian transport links to meet the needs of the economy and society.

CCTT Secretary General stressed that the coronavirus pandemic has clearly demonstrated the importance of stable supply chains and providing the needs of the economy and society for goods of various purposes.

The transport sector and logistics are ahead of many sectors of the economy in terms of readiness for digital transformation, which is one of today's priorities. Rail transport is among the leading areas of digitalization.

«As we can see, the transportation and logistics market will no longer be the same after the pandemic. But companies that follow global trends and adapt quickly to changing circumstances will be able to adequately cope with the situation, creating the in-demand transport products and strengthening their position in business.

Transport and logistics companies have used the new opportunities in the most efficient way: many through multimodal services have been developed.

What is particularly important, in the context of the new reality that has emerged, it is the cooperation of transport and logistics companies, working in different modes of transport, became one of the most important and effective drivers of subsequent development and growth» - noted Gennady Bessonov.

Taking into account the work carried out within the framework of the Northern Dimension on the development of transport links, he proposed to consider possible areas of future cooperation in the development of Trans-Eurasian transportation, which are subject to mutual interest.


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