JSC "Russian Railways" has decided to reduce to 40% the rates for transit of empty universal containers 40 and 45 feet from third countries to China
Today, in the context of the difficult economic situation depended on the spread of 2019-nCOV, it is extremely important to overcome the deepening imbalance of cargo flows in the East – West, West – East traffic due to the shutdown of production facilities in Europe as part of quarantine measures, is the adoption of targeted measures that stimulate positive dynamics of cargo transportation volumes in container trains traveling from Europe to China.
In order to maintain the stability of container cargo flows in Euro-Asian traffic, the Board of JSC "Russian Railways" has decided to reduce to 40% the rates for transit of empty universal containers of 40 and 45 feet from third countries to China.
The Belarusian railways supported the initiative of JSC "Russian Railways" aimed at developing container transport and reducing the imbalance of cargo flows in the East - West-East connection in the conditions of unfavorable epidemiological situation in Western Europe. In order to ensure the competitiveness of cargo transportation by rail and develop the business of container transportation, the Belarusian railway has made a corresponding decision to reduce the tariff conditions for empty containers transiting through the territory of the Republic of Belarus from Western Europe to China by up to 40%.
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