XXIX CCTT Plenary Meeting
Today, Oleg Belozerov, General Director and Chairman of the Board of Russian Railways, opened the XXIX Plenary Meeting of the International Coordinating Council on Trans-Eurasian Transportation (CCTT), dedicated to the development of container transportation in Asia – Europe – Asia. Participants of the transport market presented their ideas for improving the speed of cargo dispatch and digitalization of transportation processes.
Oleg Belozerov, General Director and Chairman of the Board of Russian Railways, said that this year the holding company, together with the railways of China, Kazakhstan, Mongolia and Belarus, implemented a number of technical measures that made it possible to increase the average speed of transit container traffic from Asia to Europe to 1000-1100 km/day. At the same time, the goal is to increase the delivery speed to 1400 km/day in the sections of the Russian Railways infrastructure. The delivery time from China to Europe is no more than 14 days.
According to Russian Railways, in the first nine months of this year, more than 4.2 million loaded and empty TEU containers were transported across the Russian network in all types of transport. Among them more than 558 thousand TEUs were transported as transit. That's 35.3% more than for the same period last year.
According to Oleg Belozerov, in the future, the RZD plans to implement programs to modernize the transport infrastructure (construction of modern transport and logistics hubs and "dry" ports), adjust tariffs, increase the speed of cargo delivery, digitalize cargo transportation processes (introduction of an electronic document management system) and solve environmental problems in railway transport.
"We believe it is important to develop the capacity of the infrastructure at border crossings, said in his speech, the President of PJSC "TransContainer" Alexander Isurin. – In particular, the Kazakh side is already taking steps to develop infrastructure at the Dostyk-Altynkol border crossing, which will allow to remove technological restrictions and open access to other operators to the market of Kazakhstan. It is also important to switch to 100% digital registration and abandon customs control for transit cargo".
Alexey Grom, General Director of the UTLC ERA, suggested to use the opportunities of interaction at border crossings more often to speed up transportation. For example, if the cargo goes from China to Europe through the Brest-Malashevichi border crossing and the terminal is loaded on the receiving side in Poland, then container transshipment can occur in Brest.
"The formation of effective logistics chains and cargo transportation processes is possible only with close cooperation of all stakeholders, based on the principles of openness and partnership. This directly affects the improvement of the service and the most effective use of the potential of all members of CCTT" concluded Mr. Oleg Belozerov.
The International Coording Council on Trans-Eurasian Transportation (CCTT) is a non – profit international transport association founded in 1993. The purpose of the CCTT is to develop and coordinate international transport corridors between the countries of Southeast Asia, the Far and Middle East, Central Asia and Europe. The CCTT Chairman of the Board is Mr. Oleg Belozerov, General Director of Russian Railways.
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