XXVIII CCTT Plenary Meeting
Kazakhstan traditionally has a special role in the center of the Eurasian continent as a transit bridge between Asia and Europe. Today different routes are passing through the territory of Kazakhstan promoting the development of transit cargo transportation in China-Europe-China. The annual growth of Eurasian transit rail transportation is provided by the development of industrial centers in the West of China, which send their products by rail through the CIS countries with further access to the Transsib, where Kazakhstan is the main link for Chinese goods.
Last year, Kazakhstan Railways, CCTT permanent member, acted as an inviting side for the next Annual CCTT Meeting. During the Meeting, problems of freight transportation and prospects for the development of the transport corridor Transsib, as well as measures of improving the efficiency of container transportation in the context of global competition will be considered. Authorized representatives of government (Ministries and Departments, Railway and Shipping companies of the CIS, Baltic States, Europe and Asia, Sea ports and companies), members of railway and sea transportation were invited to discuss the problems. The Meeting will be attended by more than 250 delegates from 30 countries.
Traditionally, the Meeting will be attended by the most important international transport organizations: the UN Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), UNESCAP, the Organization for Cooperation of Railways (OSJD), the International Union of Railways (UIC), the International Committee on Rail Transport (CIT), the International Federation of Freight Forwarders Associations (FIATA).
The decisions of the XXVIII CCTT Plenary Meeting will determine the CCTT goals for the next year in terms of improving the competitiveness of the Trans-Siberian route, the development of information technologies in transport and the harmonization of international transport law.
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